Too much playing=a tired me..gotta get a quick nap in, so I can get back to it
I'm ready to face the water.
Seriously??....what is with all this goey show of emotion?
Love that lake air!
Ahhhh...I tell ya, this is the life!
Guys??.....are you doing ok swimming?? you need me??
I like this guy-- and it's quite cozy here--think I'll stay for awhile.
Grrr.....I hate horseflies!! Leave me be for the love!!
I told you.....I frolicked!!
maybe I could do a blackflip, grab the stick and come down with it...hey, it could work!
what kind of face is he making at me?
Just doing "my thing"...nuthin to see here
Me & my peeps
It's been awhile friends and boy have I been having a great time this summer. A few weeks ago I got to go along on a trip with the people that feed me to one of the coolest places I think I've ever been. There was lots and lots of water and places for me to frolic and smell----I tell you, it was pure paradise! I went on my first canoe ride and wore my first life jacket--I looked pretty studly, if you ask me! I had a great time and liked just about everything...except for the pesky horseflies which tormented me, unmercifully--I usually tried to run and hide from them. I perfected my swimming skills and had fun going after sticks--the bigger the better! I played and swam all day and would come home to our cabin completely tuckered out each night but ready for more by the next morning! Mostly I just loved getting to come along and be with Steve and Mama! Hey, bring me on your next trip too guys??!! Promise I'll be good! :)