Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Buddies Came to Visit!

This guy's my buddy...always up for a good time!
I really like cuddling with Jaime...she's nice.
I'll sit, lay, fetch, whatever you want me to...just give me some of that!!
This stuff was SOOOOO good!
I even got to play football with the guys!

This last week was so much fun! There was lots of excitement in the house and I knew something great must be brewing. 2 of my favorite people came to visit---Danny & Jaime. I just love them, they are always up for playing and are always petting me and giving me lots of love. I even got to show them around my neighborhood where I take my morning walks. It was great. A few days after they got here...there began to be delicious smells wafting throughout the house. It nearly drove me crazy there was so much food around. It almost seemed like the whole day was focused around food...err...maybe it was my imagination...who knows? The evening of the day that everyone was in the kitchen making all these delicious smells for my nose to fancy---everyone sat down at the table and ate, and ate and ate...they just kept eating, I thought I would drool to death watching them! Finally...I was given my own plate of this amazing stuff they called turkey and boy was it amazing! I gobbled it down so fast it took my breath away. The taste was simply delectable! I was wishing this was something I could re-enact everyday but apparently it's a once a year thing--much to my disappointment. Well....till next year!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I don't really understand what happened last night. A cape was tied around my neck and I was expected to sit back and not lick all the new faces that came knocking on our door. There were a lot of scary looking people coming up to my house and I wasn't supposed to bark at any of them. There was scary music playing and a whole lotta candy being passed out... but none to me. Not sure how I feel about that. But at the end of the night I was able to relax and cuddle up on the couch with Steve and Mama...just like usual, so I guess the night ended pretty good!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Who Knew?? I Swim!!!

Too much playing=a tired me..gotta get a quick nap in, so I can get back to it
I'm ready to face the water.
Seriously??....what is with all this goey show of emotion?

Love that lake air!

Ahhhh...I tell ya, this is the life!
Guys??.....are you doing ok swimming?? you need me??
I like this guy-- and it's quite cozy here--think I'll stay for awhile.
Grrr.....I hate horseflies!! Leave me be for the love!!
I told you.....I frolicked!!
maybe I could do a blackflip, grab the stick and come down with it...hey, it could work!
what kind of face is he making at me?
Just doing "my thing"...nuthin to see here
Me & my peeps
It's been awhile friends and boy have I been having a great time this summer. A few weeks ago I got to go along on a trip with the people that feed me to one of the coolest places I think I've ever been. There was lots and lots of water and places for me to frolic and smell----I tell you, it was pure paradise! I went on my first canoe ride and wore my first life jacket--I looked pretty studly, if you ask me! I had a great time and liked just about everything...except for the pesky horseflies which tormented me, unmercifully--I usually tried to run and hide from them. I perfected my swimming skills and had fun going after sticks--the bigger the better! I played and swam all day and would come home to our cabin completely tuckered out each night but ready for more by the next morning! Mostly I just loved getting to come along and be with Steve and Mama! Hey, bring me on your next trip too guys??!! Promise I'll be good! :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I Love America!.... especially all the food!

One morning this past July I woke up and I could tell there was excitement in the air. Everyone was rushing around and before I knew it, I was being leashed up and going for a ride in the car. (One of my favorite the long as I can have my head out the window, happily slobbering in the wind) We drove for awhile and finally reached our destination. I could hear the loud noises of musical instruments, lots of people and could even smell dogs in the area. I was at my first 4th of July Parade in Coronado, CA. and boy was I thrilled!! What a wonderful place to be--lots of people to sniff, dogs to play with and fallen food galore! I was in dog heaven! I met a fun, playful dog that I palled around with for awhile and tried to eat as much food off the ground as I could sneak---all in all a great experience. If this is what celebrating America is all about--I am the world's most patriotic canine!
The rest of the day however, was not my favorite. That evening, I was taken to a park and at first all was well, plenty of people to pet me and play with, and again...smells galore, but as it started to get dark, I started to hear loud bangs and pops in the air, right over my head. I was petrified and begged to go back to the car or anywhere that I could escape these horrific loud sounds. It was the scariest thing of my life and I think my "mama" got the idea and won't ever try a stunt like that with me again. But give me the parade again and this was a great day!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Happy Place.....Dog Beach

So the other day I went to this amazing place where there are lots of dogs and plenty of water for me to slosh around in. It's called Dog Beach and everytime I hear the name of this magical place I perk right up in hopes that I will be going there soon! I love it! I can run off my leash to my hearts content and sniff so many other dogs it makes me dizzy to think about it. The only drawback is drinking the water there. It's very salty and last time I went and slurped up water any time I was thirsty and before I knew it...things were not the same and I didn't feel so good. So from now on, I'll wait to drink the non-salty water at home! All-in-all....this is my kinda place!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Roscoe the Velveteen Dog

This is a blog all about me. I'm Roscoe and I have a great life. Most of my days are spent eating, playing, trying to eat more, going for walks, meeting other dogs, attempting to scavenge more food, and sleeping. It's a pretty great life, you have to admit. I have lots of people who love me and help my life to be happy. What dog wouldn't love this life? This is a blog about my adventures...the good, bad and ugly. It's about the lessons I'm learning, the tricks I've perfected, and the things I do that make the people in my life smile. So settle in and prepare to have a good time. This is the life of Roscoe the Pampered Beast.