Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Roscoe the Velveteen Dog

This is a blog all about me. I'm Roscoe and I have a great life. Most of my days are spent eating, playing, trying to eat more, going for walks, meeting other dogs, attempting to scavenge more food, and sleeping. It's a pretty great life, you have to admit. I have lots of people who love me and help my life to be happy. What dog wouldn't love this life? This is a blog about my adventures...the good, bad and ugly. It's about the lessons I'm learning, the tricks I've perfected, and the things I do that make the people in my life smile. So settle in and prepare to have a good time. This is the life of Roscoe the Pampered Beast.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! haha He looks Oh-so-pampered too! His hair glistens more than any human's I've ever seen!
